Many improvements and features have been added with the latest version.
Some of them can be listed as;
- Brand new built-in database viewer.
- Progressive database search (1.2 to 1.12)
- Item search with all related data.
- Spell search with all related data and dev-required data.
- Object, Creature and Quest page is in WIP state.
- Brand new customizable armory.
- Base character info
- 3D Model Viewer (Fast: Uses plain displayID, Detailed: Converts old displayID to Classic displayID using Classic's DBC. You can also create a separate table instead of remote call.)
- Dynamic Base Stats
- Progressive Armory (1.2 to 1.12 can be selected by user as well)
- Primary & Secondary Professions
- PvP Stats
- Ability to show enchants on items (by using WoWHead's tooltip instead of ClassicDB)
- Ability to show all character stats instead of just base-ones
- Brand new PvP Page
- All pvp data that player may want to see.
- Wide filtering option.
- Ability to filter by All Time and Last Week
- Ability to filter by Faction
- Ability to filter by specific name
- Unique Timeline Module with responsive design and full flexibility.
- Ability to add any patch on choice (including custom ones)
- Ability to order automatically or custom regardless of date
- Separated Description, General, PvE and PvP sections better for maintainability.
- Ability to add unique image for each patch.